Friday, February 28, 2014

I'd be rich

On the way home from Utah, I was thinking about my short trip and I told GG that it was a rich experience and there wasn't anything I regretted. I loved that I had lunch with my mom and her sisters and see them interact. I loved the time we had with GG's family and that Boo got to play with her cousins. I love that I got to see family that I hadn't seen for a very long time. And I'm so glad that I got to be with all of my siblings. I wish it wasn't for a funeral that brought these opportunities but what greater gift could you give your grandfather than a sweet reunion of his posterity?

On the trip home I heard "If I Was A Millionaire" by Weird Al (?) on the radio. At the end of the song he says, "If I had a million dollars...I'd be rich." I might not have a million dollars but look at what I do have:
(All of my grandpa's grandchildren together for the very first time)

 (All of my siblings together for the first time since 2006)

If I had lots and lots of family......I'd be rich. :)

Friday, February 21, 2014

a heavenly father gift

I told Boo that we were going on a trip to go to great grandpa's funeral. Then I had to explain what a funeral was. I told her it is where are family and friends get together to say goodbye and remember him. She then said we need to get him a "Heavenly Father gift".  Sounds nice but I'm still not sure what she meant by it. I heard her mentioning it in her prayers tonight too. I asked her some more after she prayed, telling her that he didn't need a gift since he was already in heaven. I told her his body his still her on earth that they would put his body in a beautiful box and bury him in the earth while his spirit is in heaven. (this sounds weird as i type this but it's life, I guess.) Until he is resurrected. While talking about the "box" she said, "ooh I want to see the box". Somewhere in the conversation she said that she wanted to go to heaven. PLEASE, not yet! I told her that we needed to be here. I asked her, "don't you want to learn and grow? don't you want to read books, learn and run as fast as you can? Don't you want to grow up and get married in the temple? Don't you want to have kids and become a grandma someday?" She got very excited at becoming a grandma. Phew! I hopefully convinced her to remain in this earth life until she becomes a grandma.   I love my girls. I truly do. what a wonderful gift life is. Pondering death and leaving this life really makes you appreciate every part of this life from the miracle of birth and the transition we made to come here- through each phase of our life to the day it is time for us to make the transition in heaven.  I'm excited to know that when my time comes that grandpa will be one of those people awaiting to greet me home.

this turned out a lot longer than anticipated......sorry. lots of thoughts.

for my grandpa

I have felt for a couple of days that I wanted to send my grandpa a card. He was dying and I knew I wasn't going to be able to go out and visit him. I put it off. And last night, Little Miss was pretty awake and oddly I felt awake too. I thought about my grandpa. I thought about writing a card or email since I was sure a card wasn't going to get to him in time. I didn't though. I didn't want Little Miss to think it was awake time. I found out this morning that we were awake thinking of him moments before he passed.

He was in pain, he was 96 years old. I didn't think I would be this sad. He was a good man, lived a good life, made and kept covenants to be faithful and true. It was his time. I'm sure he is happy and at peace with many joyful reunions in heaven. Why, why does it hurt so much to know that he is not here?

Here is my note Grandpa that I wished I had written before he left this life, now it is my little goodbye:

Dear Grandpa,

I wish I could visit you and I envy everyone else who has been blessed with the chance to come and share their love for you. I am thinking of you and praying for you.  I just wanted to let you know that I love you. Thank you for the wonderful person you are and all the blessings you have shared with your family and those around you. What an example you are!  There are three ways I will always remember you: On roller skates, gliding across the rink floor, making it look completely effortless with you hands clasped  behind your back (in this one way I wish I was older and could have been apart of the awesome roller skating show era and seen you dance away); in you your beautiful garden (that produced the BEST corn that Nebraska can't even compete with); and in your computer chair diligently working away on family history and journals. Well, let me add a few more. :) In your brown lazy boy chair- where you would sit when we sat and visited or where you would sit to watch evening shows. And I will always remember the day you performed GG and I's marriage and sealing. And I will remember your words you shared with us that day.  What happy thoughts!

I love you Grandpa! I hope your reunion on the other side is more blissful and joyful than I could ever hope to imagine. I am who I am because of who you were and how you lived. I will always remember. I am so thankful that Boo shares your name so she too can remember the heritage you left behind.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

behind the times

 The last 5-7 years I have felt like I was perpetually in my early twenties....before that I felt like I was always 19.  All the sudden I'm starting to not feel so perpetually young. I think I blame it on the increasing amount of grey hairs and also the fact that I KNOW I can't dress like the twenty-somethings anymore. Leggings and combat boots are so far from my comfort level.
I tried to get gussied up for the vday dance but my clothes are starting to feel dated and then trying to do my hair was impossible. I tried to put it up but with my short hair it just looked like a 2000's hair style and it is now 2014.  Ahhh well I guess. We all have to grow up. Sigh. I just don't want to be that lady in another 10-20  years where you can tell by her hair, makeup and clothes in which era she was in her prime.

Maybe a good haircut...which I do need, and a hair color I'll feel like a fresh late-twenty-something. :)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


It's like 60 degrees outside today. It feels so so good! We went on a walk with friends to the park. Then boo played outside with the remaining snow pile in our front yard. It was a beautiful, very needed day. It was however the wrong day to forget the groceries in the car. Oops. The ice cream will freeze again right?

wanted guest

The other night, I awoke to boo in my room on the floor saying she was scared. I asked what she wanted me to do. She must have misunderstood my question but she said "pray". So she prayed. " heavenly father please come to my house".    That is all I remember now but how cute.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


My tongue hurts. I can only assume it's from too much candy...and likely the cinnamon hearts. It's been a day and half and it hurts to eat, talk and brush my teeth. At the same time I can't. Stop. Eating. Candy.

Boo has had entirely too much candy too and I see the effects in her behavior. I try to be better to her than I am too myself with eating healthy. It may seem unfair when I'm sneaking chocolate behind her back but really I'm trying to help her. :) hopefully she doesn't pick up on the sneaking. At the same time she does try to sneak food but she runs conspicuously into her room and slams the door.

And despite my mouth hurting and boo not needing candy I still bought 3 bags of vday candy that was on sale today for $1.50. I almost bought 6 . Ha. What can I say we love chocolate. We love candy. Dessert. Anything sweet, we'll devour it.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

auto correct

I apologize for all misspellings or weird words that come up with the stupid auto correct from me typing these posts on my kindle.


There were a couple of times that I heard mention of fasting taking place in the west for moisture and that those prayers resulted in receiving the moisture that they desired. This happened for Idaho where my sister lives. It doesn't usually snow much there but they apparently got quite a bit. She said I'd be thankful when I eat my potatoes and onions because the snow was a result of fast.

Somehow, somewhere in the wee hours of night those experiences came to my half sleeping mind. Now, fasting is not my strength nor can I claim a burning testimony of's one of those things I believe but do not yet know with conviction. However, these experiences along with thought I had during Sunday school a few weeks ago when they talked about Zion seemed to connect.

During the Sunday school lesson I felt amazed at the city of Enoch being able to achieve a state of true Zion and down hearted that given our current culture it would be impossible. Too many poor who want and take and feel entitled, too many rich who don't not give. But how awesome is fasting? Fasting is a great equalizer and unifying experience. Everyone gives up what they can for the greater good of all. There is no me or I in fasting but a whole....especially in large group fast. My thought is God can bless because Zion exists...even for a moment. Another example of how sacrifice brings blessings.

Just thoughts.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


We finally made it to Frozen. I felt like this was the most talked about movie in the last ten years. And this if Boo's first real movie. We took her when she was little...probably Little Miss's can you count that as a their first movie? Anyway, this is her first memory of a movie experience. It was fun. She hasn't seen too many Disney movies or longer movies. She's a PBS kind of girl. Last Tuesday we wanted to take her but the snow kept us in (They have $5 tuesdays, that's way we were shooting to go on a Tuesday). Instead that night we showed her Cars. As much as she enjoyed the special movie night last week, I think she liked this much better. It was fun for us to see her reactions. She laughed a lot and she panicked and hid her face at the scarier parts. I'm afraid she is like me and doesn't handle evil or intense parts well.

Afterwards, GG talked me into getting fast food (HIS FAVORITE). He mentioned Burger King and Boo called it Buger or Bugger King a couple times after that. :) I realize she is still learning to pronounce her words but I sure wish I was a better model of it...I am TERRIBLE at pronunciation and speaking in general, just not one of my talents or I hope she will learn to speak clearly like her dad. anywho. the topic, FROZEN, was it worth the hype? It was good and I would say worth the $5 ticket. One of the better recent Disney movies without being dark with evil powers. They never did address how the Princess received her freezing powers though...or I missed it.

thats all. ;)

Monday, February 10, 2014

tipping the scale

I am proud to say that after probably 2 months of exercising and not eating right ( you heard that right, I like to eat), I have left the 1#0's ( sorry not disclosing my weight on a public blog). Granted, I'm only out of them by one number but I don't think I've been in this range since I got married. Amazingly, back when I was 20 I weighed 125...I can't even imagine. I remember being surprised at that number when I was weighed...maybe it was a faulty scale but I was definitely skinnier then than I had ever been. I know i'll never be there again and my goal weight is far from that . But I'm only 4 lbs from what I hope to be. And then I'll turn around and get pregnant. :) Haha...... I hope.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Those who know me, know that I love shoes. I am pretty sensible when it comes to shoes. I like and admire shoes but I wear fairly basic often comfortable shoes. I think a pair of shoes can say a lot about a person. What's important to them, their lifestyle, how they care for themselves ans their personality in general. I used to be more observant of the shoes people wore but since I have been away from fulltime shoe selling my notice of shoes have gone down.

I used to have lots of shoes and newer shoes. Now I'm actually wearing out shoes. Unfortunately today, if someone was paying attention to my shoes they would have seen they were falling apart. I put them on in a hurry and forgot that the seam was coming apart. I sar down in sacrament meeting and noticed how awful they looked. So embarrassing. thankfully, I know most people aren't like me and I'm in primary where no one pays attention to your feet. It's time for me to update my shoe closet...oh I miss the days of amazing shoe clearances where I came home with multiple pairs...that and being single...I could justify so much more. :)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

ankles smankles..

Once upon a time I had a boyfriend who claimed he had weak ankles. LAME. It was the lamest thing I had ever heard. This was his reason for not roller skating with and just sitting on the bench. Really? Who had ever heard of weak ankles....and please, he was only like 22 or 23.

Fast forward to today. I was, maybe embarrassingly, dancing around with Boo like a ballerina. One minute I was leaping and plie-ing, and then the next second I'm laying on the floor because my ankle gave out...or something. Now, I feel like the lame one. What if I'm getting weak ankles? Is that something you have or just get? What if I can't roller skate in the future? Not that I do it a lot but I would if I could. In my mind, there is nothing better than the wind in your hair as you fly through the air on skates. My dream, is to waltz on skates. Crazy? maybe. But it is definitely something I would love to learn to do....and that would mean that GG would learn it with me, which I know, he is more than willing to do. Another reason why I married him, besides the fact that I love him, but he doesn't have stupid weak ankles. :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

no longer Boo

On the way home from church today she had a sticker with her name on it from her class, It only had "boo" (her shortened name) and not her full first name (Booobooo for blog purposes). She said it only has Boo on it but my name is Booobooo. This isn't the first time she has realized this. She has been telling grandma and grandpa the last couple of weeks that they should call her Boooboooo not boo.  Isn't she too young to have a name preference?

I'm kinda sad because on that sticker she had on shirt from her class was a reminder for us to talk to her about how she got her name and to bring a picture of her family so they could talk about it in class. I started thinking about her name and how we decided on it. I came to love the name in high school. I knew two girls with the name boobooo that went by Boo. They were always cheerful, fun happy girls. I wasn't friends with them really but I remember them. And about that same time the Omaha LDS temple was having open house before it was dedicated so I go on a tour of the temple. In the bride's dressing room there is a picture of a woman with this least I am sure they said it was this woman....only to find out now, that it is in fact a painting of another woman. Anyway, a loved the painting and the story of the woman I thought it was. I could picture myself getting married in this temple and getting ready in this room. However, I did not get married in this Tempe and it wasn't oh well.

I guess I should start calling Boo,  Boobooo. It's her life and name even though I gave it to her.  :)