Sunday, July 5, 2015

The babe... 33 weeks

I think this is my first prego picture with this little one. I feel incredibly huge, however this picture makes ms look better than I think I am.  It's so ooo hard not to compare myself to all the tiny baby bumps on Facebook or at church,  even though we are all within weeks of each other. But this is how I carry them, I have BIG babies, and I love baked goods, chocolate and ice cream. So there you have it.
and this is what I have to look forward to. Little Miss 40 weeks: huge! And it seems forever away. I don't want summer to end but i'm ready not to be pregnant. 7-8 more weeks to go.......


Jessie and Austin said...

You seriously look so cute! I know how big bumps go, so you're not alone :) I can't wait to meet #3!

Sharee said...

You look amazing!!!