Monday, September 22, 2014

a picture post

Its been awhile since I've shared pictures so 'ere we go.....

Boo practicing her primary talk on the Holy Ghost....

 My messy eater:
Tea party from these not completely refined little ladies...When you think of tea party manners it doesn't apply to 4 year olds. It was funny and cute.
 Family pictures...probably the only one she didn't need to photoshop at least one of us....I didn't realize how hard it is to get 4 of us together and not doing something un-photogenic, and I'm only showing one...I've got surprise some of you when the Christmas card comes!

Here are a few I snapped this morning with my...ugh! 8 year old camera (really, can it be that old already...I know its pathetic compared to the cameras I've seen but really?) anyway, we do with what we've got (sometimes). They were looking so stinkin' cute this morning we snapped a few before we ran off to take Boo to school and did a few more with little miss...

Did I do good? huh? huh?? I have photoshop elements but I really don't know what I'm doing with it mostly I did the "auto correct" or "smart something-a-rather".

What I really wish is that I had a camera on me at all times and that my kids were numb to it, so they would just keep doing what they are doing. I see some of the most beautiful pictures everyday that are only captured in my heart. Seriously, I wish I could capture the sweetness of my girls playing together, giving each other kisses, the smiles and giggles.  There are so many tender moments that I just need to remember when all the craziness and yelling/screaming (depending on which one is doing it) and madness happen.  I do love my kids. I wish, oh so very much that grow up to be exactly who Heavenly Father wants them to be...and that I don't screw them up somehow. :)

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