Saturday, October 18, 2014

falling for fall

It is beautiful around here! I love that there are so many trees in my neighborhood and I love even more that I don't actually have any deciduous trees in my own yard. :) no leaves to clean up...unless they blow in our yard.  However, I'm thinking we will need to volunteer to help someone clean up their leaves because Boo has learned about jumping in leaves. However, she thinks that just jumping in leaves laying around someone's yard or sidewalk is like jumping into a PILE of leaves. I think it is time for her to have the real experience.

A few weeks ago we got to go and pick a few apples from an orchard and have some fantastic donuts...really these are the best.

For fall break we were going to go to the pumpkin patch but it rained. My smart hubby had the thought to go to the Roller Skating Museum. It's been on our list for awhile so we went and did. It was probably the most fascinating museum I have ever been to. :) Usually my eye gloss over, I yawn and mossy on through, just antsy for it to be over but I LOVE ROLLER SKATING. So I was totally interested. hehe.

Then we went to the pumpkin patch a couple of days later. I am so glad we went in the afternoon while school was still in AND that we had free passes. Super expensive. And it was C-RAZY busy when we left. If I even had to wait in a line that long I would have said, "FORGET IT!" Seriously, I hate crowds. I hate that everyone else is doing it. Anyway, it was fun. And sadly, it is the closest thing our state has to an amusement park and it is a fall novelty. I can't even imagine how much dough they are raking in. Anyway, it was fun and GG and the girls loved it. 

Happy Fall Ya' All

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Greg thinks you stole the title of this post from me. I think we are just on the same wave length. Which pumpkin patch did you go to? Cute girls!