Tuesday, February 11, 2014


We finally made it to Frozen. I felt like this was the most talked about movie in the last ten years. And this if Boo's first real movie. We took her when she was little...probably Little Miss's age...so can you count that as a their first movie? Anyway, this is her first memory of a movie experience. It was fun. She hasn't seen too many Disney movies or longer movies. She's a PBS kind of girl. Last Tuesday we wanted to take her but the snow kept us in (They have $5 tuesdays, that's way we were shooting to go on a Tuesday). Instead that night we showed her Cars. As much as she enjoyed the special movie night last week, I think she liked this much better. It was fun for us to see her reactions. She laughed a lot and she panicked and hid her face at the scarier parts. I'm afraid she is like me and doesn't handle evil or intense parts well.

Afterwards, GG talked me into getting fast food (HIS FAVORITE). He mentioned Burger King and Boo called it Buger or Bugger King a couple times after that. :) I realize she is still learning to pronounce her words but I sure wish I was a better model of it...I am TERRIBLE at pronunciation and speaking in general, just not one of my talents or I hope she will learn to speak clearly like her dad. anywho. ....off the topic, FROZEN, was it worth the hype? It was good and I would say worth the $5 ticket. One of the better recent Disney movies without being dark with evil powers. They never did address how the Princess received her freezing powers though...or I missed it.

thats all. ;)

1 comment:

Stacey said...

The trolls said something about it but I missed it too.